Be Heard


With our walks and in our conversations with communities we are setting out to inspire multitudes to slow down, connect with nature and articulate their love for our precious living world and help us co-create pieces of artwork together.

What do you want world leaders to do?

Send us your voices for nature, your hopes, fears, dreams, demands by filling out this form and we will weave your letters and the voices we gather on our way into an ever-growing charter that we present to leaders we encounter on our walks.

Is there a place you call ‘your land’ in your heart, or a place in nature where you like to go? 

Would you share with us where or what that is?

What do you love about that piece of land/ nature?

What do you fear for the land or nature in your neighbourhood?

Any other message they would like us to bring to leaders?


Why do we use art?

Art has the fantastic ability to increase awareness and participation in the themes of climate change: it is a powerful way to connect people to their feelings, hopes and fears about nature, to connect people and communities to each other, to discover similarities and shared views. We will use artistic processes to develop joint messages and engage audiences especially those who might not know much about the climate crisis or think of themselves as environmentalists in creative responses.